3 Favorite Subscriptions

I don’t like cluttering up my inbox with junk mail. I don’t think anyone does. But there are some great writing resources out there to be had. Some of them post every morning, so I wake to a new writing tip daily. I like to poke around the internet and find new information, and learn from all those who have gone before, but I also like to have the information coming directly to me.

You never know when you’ll find that perfect gem! Here are my top 3: Continue reading

The Announcement

Me, signing the contract for "The Footloose Killer."

It’s official! Over on Koehler Books’ website, the announcement has been posted about the upcoming release of “The Footloose Killer” (by me!- see the trailer here) and “Guilt Before Innocence” (by my good friend and fellow author, Tammie Rue Elliot). Continue reading